MediMindful Moment: Meet Lois Grasso-Barrett

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In this episode of Cloud9 Online’s MediMindful Moments Podcast, co-hosts Judith Dreyer, Jeff Nelder, and Henry Edinger interview Lois Grasso-Barrett, Holistic Health Coach, Public Speaker, Founder, and Director at OxyGenesis Institute. Lois talks about the ability to focus on our breathing and becoming mindful of our breath. She also shares her knowledge and expertise in understanding the different types of breathing exercises.

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Episode Highlights:

●      Judith introduces Lois Grasso-Barrett. (0:40)

●      Lois shares her background. (1:08)

●      Lois shares that she teaches people how to use their breathing, to become present, to own themselves, and we can use the breathing to own and take responsibility for our feelings. (3:58)

●      Lois leads the mindful moment exercise. (5:47)

●      Henry mentions that as the world's coming back together again a little bit, even with masks on, being compassionate is more vital. (10:21)

●      Lois thinks that all our hearts want is more compassion. (10:35)

●      Lois mentions that laughter is one of her favorite breathing exercises. (11:25)

●      Lois shares that she’s done a lot of laughter yoga, bringing a group of people together and laughing for no reason, we come up with silly little games and silly little exercises to play. (11:35)

●      Lois shares that when you're laughing, you're in the moment where you’re present and enjoying yourself. (13:08)

●      Henry mentions that they have a meditation on MediMind called laughter meditation. (14:28)

●      Lois mentions that yawning is also a breathing exercise and contagious, as well. (15:40)

●      Lois mentions that crying is also a breathing exercise and contagious, as well. (16:28)

●      How does Lois stay mindful, or coach people to be mindful when it’s not laughter? (17:06)

●      Lois shares that when we do deep breathing, it leads us out of the fight or flight mode, where our nervous system is when we are angry, afraid, or anxious. (18:16)

●      Lois explains the belly button breathing. (18:28)

●      Lois mentions that she has a children’s book entitled, Maven and The Magic Buttons. (18:37)

●      How do mindfulness programs in school work? (21:36)

●      Lois shares that by tapping on acupuncture points, it calms down the amygdala, which is the fear center of the brain. (22:40)

●      Lois shares her fantasy and goal  (25:39)

●      What’s Lois’ vision for her mindfulness programs? (26:17)

●      Judith shares that we have to learn how to accept uncertainty and the techniques to help children come into a sense of peace, within themselves at the moment. (28:488)

●      Judith mentions that we're learning scientifically that by focusing on our breath, we change our whole biochemistry, and people don't realize that those three to six breaths, could help our immune system to stay strong. (29:18)

●      Lois shares a brain hack. (29:45)

●      Lois shares that there are different purposes for different breathing exercises, and everybody needs to become aware of and focused on our breathing. (32:23)

●      Lois mentions that all we need is to master our breathing. (34:35)


Key Quotes:

●      “The number one way to claim ourselves on all these levels is to claim our breathing and learn how to breathe fully, which is not just a conscious learning thing, it's a process whereby we have to reclaim our feelings, or our willingness and our ability to cry.” - Lois Grasso-Barrett

●      “Laughter is ultimately a breathing exercise and gets us breathing big. It has all the benefits of breathing, and it's a beautiful thing not to mention, it kicks into gear all those happy hormones in our brain and makes us feel blessed.” - Lois Grasso-Barrett

●      “I want to make sure people who are listening to this understand that when they're feeling anger, or fear or anxiety or any of the unpleasant emotions, what it usually means is that they have been breathing shallowly, and those emotions can exacerbate shallow breathing.” - Lois Grasso-Barrett

Resources Mentioned:

●      Judith Dreyer

●      Jeff Nelder LinkedIn

●      Henry Edinger LinkedIn

●      Cloud9 Online

●      MediMind App

●      Lois Grasso-Barrett LinkedIn

●      OxyGenesis Institute

●      Maven and The Magic Buttons