MediMindful Moment: Meet Jen James

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In this episode of Cloud9’s MediMindful Moments Podcast, co-hosts Judith Dreyer, Jeff Nelder, and Henry Edinger interviews Jennifer James, a Mindful Business Coach and Founder of Double J Lifestyle Consulting & Coaching, Partner and Co-Founder of Admit One Productions. Jen talks about the three common issues in seeking mindfulness and her three guiding work principles. She also shares a mindful exercise that everyone can do.

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Episode Highlights: 

●      Judith introduces Jen James. (00:39)

●      Jen mentions that she owns a production company in partnership with her husband, and she owns a coaching and consulting business, as well. (1:16)

●      Jen shares that they are storytellers at heart and they’re currently in the process of building a new art of mindful storytelling program, and their purpose is to connect with entrepreneurs and to support their journey. (1:35)

●      Jen mentions that as a mindful business coach, she connects people back into their business in a mindful way, and supports them on their journey, as aspiring entrepreneurs or established entrepreneurs. (1:56)

●      Jen leads the mindful moment exercise. (3:59)

●      Jen shares the three common issues in seeking mindfulness. (7:44)

●      Jen thinks that a lot of people have a perspective on what they see and read that; they want to understand. (7:56)

●      Jen mentions that if you're going to practice mindfulness, you must always sit and do meditation every day, for 30 minutes. (8:55)

●      Jen shares that the micro mindfulness moment is one of her favorites and all you have to do is to stop for a second, put your hand on your heart, and take 5 breaths. (10:58)

●      Jen shares a mindful exercise that she recommends to people, and it’s called the stop exercise. (15:26)

●      Jen shares that taking a moment to stop is something that most people don’t often recognize. Because we react very quickly when our negative emotions are taking control. (16:40)

●      Jen mentions that she’s currently studying mindful self-compassion. (18:49)

●      Jen mentions that finding and building self-compassion, within themselves is challenging for most people, but everyone has it. (21:29)

●      Jen shares her three guiding principles. (30:47)

●      Jen shares an exercise that’s beneficial in any organization, and it’s called a soft landing. (36:33)


Key Quotes:

●      “We all adapt much more quickly than we give ourselves credit. But we don't realize it within ourselves. So, our ability to adapt to uncertainty and change is higher than we give ourselves credit for.” - Jennifer James

●      “Just stop and take a breath, observe how you feel in that moment, recognize it, label it, and then proceed. Sometimes just taking that moment to stop allows you to ground yourself at that moment, and not react. It gives you that moment of choice and the choice is ours, we own that.” - Jennifer James

●      “You have to have a foundation of understanding and believing in yourself before you can actually externally put that out into the world, and allow others to believe in you as well. It starts inside, having the confidence to do that. Not as easy, but it starts with baby steps.” - Jennifer James

●      “If you put on your curiosity hat before every single conversation, whether it be at home or work, it helps reframe how you enter into that conversation. Cool. And it allows you to think differently.” - Jennifer James


Resources Mentioned:

 ●      Judith Dreyer

●      Jeff Nelder LinkedIn

●      Henry Edinger LinkedIn

●      Cloud9 Online

●      MediMind App

●      Jennifer James LinkedIn

●      Admit One Productions

●      Double J Lifestyle Consulting & Coaching