MediMindful Moment: Meet Chris Salem

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In this episode of Cloud9 Online’s MediMindful Moments Podcast, co-hosts Judith Dreyer, Jeff Nelder, and Henry Edinger interview Chris Salem, Executive Coach, Keynote Speaker, and CEO at EFA Movement. Chris talks about the fine line between kindness and compassion. He also shares how mindfulness plays a significant role in building a core foundation.

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Episode Highlights:

●      Judith introduces Chris Salem. (00:44)

●      Chris shares that he’s working with executives to help build and scale their businesses and their brands by teaching them how to become trusted advisors in their business. (1:16)

●      Chris mentions his international best-selling book titled, Master Your Inner Critic: Resolve the Root Cause Create Prosperity. (1:31)

●      Chris shares that finding the harmony between work and life can be difficult. (7:36)

●      Chris mentions that mindfulness plays a significant role in building the core of that foundation. (8:10)

●      Chris shares that a lot of times, people will experience frustration and stress because they tend to focus more on the elements that play into their weaknesses or on the things that they can't control versus the things they can. (8:59)

●      Chris mentions the two habits that he always recommends for everyone which are meditation and journaling, daily. (10:46)

●      Chris mentions that he’s a big believer that mindfulness is the core nucleus of everything. (15:50)

●      Chris shares that mindfulness leads to clarity and clarity leads to the ability to make, calculated risks, learn from mistakes, make better decisions, and take action. (18:03)

●      Chris mentions that in reality, multitasking is counterproductive and, oftentimes, it doesn't lead to sustainable results. (22:42)

●      Chris shares his advice with everyone is to control what you can and let go of what you can't. (28:25)


Key Quotes:

●      “I'm a firm believer that any sustainable results that you seek in your life, in business, overall, start with the foundation, and it’s a process that when you go through the trials and tribulations of life and business, you approach it in a way that you could see the blessings and opportunities disguised and what you become as part of that process.” - Chris Salem

●      “To break these cycles, we as people have got to take responsibility for our own lives, our actions, our roles, and duties. We can't assume and speculate somebody is going to help us do that. We’ve got to take that responsibility. That's where change takes place.” - Chris Salem

●      “If we commit to it, controlling what we can do our part, and empowering people to do the same for themselves, we can come together interdependently over time, to be more productive, more efficient, more functional in terms of what we do, and why what we do to create a better environment around us.” - Chris Salem

Resources Mentioned:

●      Judith Dreyer

●      Jeff Nelder LinkedIn

●      Henry Edinger LinkedIn

●      Cloud9 Online

●      MediMind App

●      Chris Salem LinkedIn