Employee Retention Programs

Are your employees happy at work? Are they loyal to your company? How do you know? A powerful way to understand this, and its linkage to employee retention, is to implement “listening posts” that measure employee wellbeing. We create custom Employee Net Promoter Score (E-NPS) programs and deliver actionable insights that improve employee satisfaction and productivity.

Change Management Campaigns

Even the simplest change in a workplace environment can create uncertainty, fear, loss of productivity and turnover. We design and implement change management campaigns that ensure internal alignment across leadership and management teams, and create a communication strategy that coveys to frontline employees what changes are to come and why. Our campaigns ensure everyone in the company ecosystem feels seen and heard as a method for building buy-in for change.

Employee Wellness Strategy & Planning

COVID has changed workplace dynamics and with it, the employee needs have changed. If you are unsure of what your employee wellness strategy should look like for the next 3 years, we can create an employee-informed strategy, complete with a step-by-step executional plan that can be implemented with ease, and tracked with KPIs. Our wellness strategies are highly customized based on the unique needs of your workforce, whether onsite, remote or both.